
Treatment Programs For The Dually Diagnosed

Treatment Programs For The Dually Diagnosed
As many families have probably discovered, service systems have not been well designed with this population in mind. Typically a community has treatment services for people with mental illness in one agency and treatment for substance abuse in another. Clients are referred back and forth between them in what some have called "ping-pong" therapy. What is needed are "hybrid" programs that address both illnesses together. Development of these programs locally requires considerable advocacy efforts.

Limitations Of Traditional Drug Treatment Programs
Treatment programs designed for people whose problems are primarily substance abuse are generally not recommended for people who also have a mental illness. These programs tend to be confrontive and coercive and most people with severe mental illnesses are too fragile to benefit from them. Heavy confrontation, intense emotional jolting, and discouragement of the use of medications tend to be detrimental. These treatments may produce levels of stress that exacerbate symptoms or cause relapse